Via delle Industrie, 9, Foligno, Umbria, Italy
Opening HoursMonday-Friday 10 - 12.30 a.m / 4 - 7 p.m
VIAINDUSTRIAE is a non-profit cultural association and architects collective, born in 2005 to manage and "perform" an archive of modern and contemporary art private collection. Then it activates a series of specific projects with the artists seeking to involve them with partecipative actions between a curatorial approach and an artistic production. VIAINDUSTRIAE deals with the
contemporary visual arts, new media and mixed-media public-actions. The office has an important section on book publishing in connection with several art-book places in an European network.[:it]VIAINDUSTRIAE is a non-profit cultural association and architects collective, born in 2005 to manage and "perform" an archive of modern and contemporary art private collection. Then it activates a series of specific projects with the artists seeking to involve them with partecipative actions between a curatorial approach and an artistic production. VIAINDUSTRIAE deals with the
contemporary visual arts, new media and mixed-media public-actions. The office has an important section on book publishing in connection with several art-book places in an European network.

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